Them’s My Pet Fish
A man was stopped by a Fish and Wildlife Officer while carrying two big buckets of live fish.
The suspicious officer asked the man, “Do you have a license to catch those fish?”
The man replied, “No, sir. Don’t need one. Them’s my pet fish.”
“Pet fish?!” The warden asked.
“Yes, sir. Every night I take these here fish down to the water and let them swim around for a while. I whistle and they come and jump back into their buckets, as neat as you please, and I take ’em home.”
“That’s a bunch of hooey! I’ve fished all my life and been catching poachers for 30 years, and fish can’t do that!”
The man looked at the officer for a moment, and then said, “Here, I’ll show you. If you train ’em young, it really works.”
“O.K. – I’ve GOT to see this!” The game warden was really curious now.
The man carefully emptied the buckets of fish into the river, calling each one by name, and stood and waited. After several minutes, the game warden turned to the man and said, “Well?”
“Well, what?” The fisherman responded.
“When are you going to call them back?” the game warden prompted.
“Call who back?” the man asked.
“The FISH!” the game warden shouted, loosing his patience.
“What fish?” the man asked with a grin.